Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Can moving your vegetable plants in the same garden kill them?

I'm kinda new to this but I have so tomato plants, a watermelon, a cucumber, a strawberry, and a zucchini plant. I had to pit a little mesh fence around the garden (4'x 4') to keep my hungry weine dog away. The watermelon was on the front corner and was growing into the garden (backwards) and the cucumber vines were growing to big and over crowding too. There is space in te back of the garden for things to grow as well, so I moved the watermelon to the back as well as te cucumbers, moving the tomatoes to the front. The plants have been growing for about a month, and there's flowers and a couple tomatoes visible on the plants. All I give them is water, and I use no fertilizer. I moved them last night, and now (mostly the tomatoes) the leaves are droopy.

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