Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Husband wants to sell my house. I'll be homeless.?

My middle aged husband abandoned me several years ago after over 20 years of marriage. He told me that even though I'm a wonderful person and have been a great mother, he doesn't want to be with me anymore because he wants to date other women. I tried to convince him to stay but I came home one day and he was gone bag and baggage. I felt like the wind was knocked right out of me, but as time went on, I tried to go on with my life. I found a job and learned to live without him in my life. He continued to pay the mortgage since he makes a lot more than I do. My job pays some of the bills, food, and personal expenses, but there's nothing left after that. I've been doing the best I can and trying to save what little money I have but I do not earn enough to survive on my own without his help. I'm nearing retirement age so its not likely that I can start a new career at this point. My husband contacted me the other day and said he wants to sell the house because he can't afford to pay the mortgage anymore. The bottom line is if I have to move out of my home- I will be homeless. I could never afford an apt. and I was hoping to work at least another 8 years to get my 20 year pension in, but now that he is pressuring me to sell, I doubt I will even be able to keep my job since I'll basically be a hobo. I am severely depressed over all of this. He turned my life upside down when he left, now he is doing it again by throwing me into the street. My home was all I had left. I have been looking into homeless shelters as a last resort, or even trying to figure out how I can live in my car. My mind is going around in circles. I have two grown kids, but I can't move in with them because they both live with their fiances. I never thought I'd find myself in this position. I bust out crying on the phone as I was talking to him, but all he was concerned about was his girlfriend that he had the nerve to talk to me about. (We are still married) I've been praying for strength and answers, but I am losing all hope. If anyone has words of support, I truly need to hear them.

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