Saturday, July 23, 2011

He wont eat grass, what else might he like?

another option is well washed weeds, just make sure they are pesticide free. you can also try any vegetables. also for the weeds, dandelion greens are recomended as the best. for more info go to this website. a href=",%20Sulcata%20Tortoise.htm" rel="nofollow",%20Su…/a

What does it mean when a guy says it?

Okay so if when a woman say "whatever" she is really saying i f***ing hate you and hope you fall off a cliff and go splat then get raped by a hobo.....but when a guy says it the same concept?

How do i log into my router?

the IP address is and it's a Belkin N+ and i need to change the MTU settings so i can connect to Xbox live. How do i do that?

What shade of red should dye my hair? A red velvety? Or strawberry blonde? Maybe light orange? HELP?

i can help you. but your link didnt work. i need to see a pic of you to determine the shade/color. hyperlinks are what you need, do that, then i can help. :)

Can you do the 24 college list?

None of that has anything to do with college. Just being an idiot. That's the opposite of the goal of college.

Is xbox live down today?

I can't connect. It says my router can't connect to xbox live. It sometimes says my MTU settings are too low, but it is not. My MTU settings are 1500. It was working perfectly fine yesterday.

Will I lose weight if I keep this up?

I'm sixteen and trying to lose some weight to get rid of some of this curviness that I hate. -_- Anyways, I'm a dancer, so I thought, 'What better way to exercise than dancing, right?' In the morning, I have five strawberries. In the afternoon. I have two pieces of toast and a yogurt. After doing that, I play Just Dance 2.. It's a Wii game, and all in all, I burn 952 calories on it. Afterwards, I'll eat a regular dinner, because I can't really control what my Mom fixes. But she cooks healthy things and small portions, so I think I'm good on that. Anyways, I've been doing this for a few days, and I haven't lost anything. /: Will I lose any weight if I keep this up?

How many calories are in this? Please answer :(?

I agree with the above answer. You are underweight and your diet is far too small to maintain a healthy weight. It's important to eat enough so your body has the energy to function correctly.

MTU Setting Too Low For Xbox Live at 1500?

I am having difficulty connecting to games over Xbox Live, and keep getting kicked offline. When I run a connection test on my Xbox, it tells me that the problem is that my MTU setting is too low (below a minimum of about 1300). However, when I go to my internet router's admin panel, it shows that my MTU setting is at 1500, well over the minimum setting. Does anybody know of a way around this problem, a different setting that I can change, etc?

Mtu setting for a sagecom router?

i need to know how to set my mtu setting on my sagecom router to auto or 1364 or higher to connect to xbox live

What are good recipes with strawberry?

today i went to pick strawberries and i brought back like 5 baskets! i am looking for some good recipes that include strawberries. anything from cakes to puddings, just anything that can help me use my strawberries!! :)

How do I change my MTU settings?

I have recently been trying to change my MTU settings for my xbox live. I tried going to my routers IP adress and going to change it there but theres no option to change it from there. I have a windows vista pc wireless, D Link router I have tried hooking my xbox up to an ethernet cable but that didn't work I still got the same MTU error. Don't tell me to download Dr.Tcp or whatever that is because as far as I know it doesn't work for windows vista. If there is any solutions to this that may work for me please feel free to post them! :) thanks

I cant connect to xbox live from not being able to download the update?

I got a new modem and have changed MTU setting and NAT settings but nothing has worked. It has occured to me that when i test connection between the internet and xbox live it stops and says an update is required. When i click on update it never downloads, the bar just stays at zero. So is it the update that is stopping from going on to xbox live and if so how do i get the update to work?

Does the Xbox 360 need a lower MTU setting than the Xbox 360 S?

I have both the Xbox 360 (60GB) and the new Xbox 360 S. The 360 S is coming up with an MTU error but I can't change the network setting cause I'm at college. Would the old Xbox be better to use?

Do sexy hobos have dance times?

I have always wanted to participate in a Sexy Hobo Dance Time. Do they exist or is it just an urban legend?

READERS: Is my writing style suited for a horror novel? On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate this?

the writing is excellent, except for the cussing, the plot is good and there's definitely an element of fear, but the book sounds more like a scary mystery than horror to me. as a horror book i'd give it a 5 on the fear scale

Do you think life is actually real?

whether or not life is"real" is a pointless question. Real is what you determine it as. Beyond some t.v show your mind is fully capable of creating an entire universe with different people who act differently. How do you know the universe even exists outside of the single moment that you are experiencing? You don't. The only way to go about this is to just go with it. You will go insane trying to determine if anything that is ever happening is "real". Oh and that movie rocks, you should watch inception same type of idea.

High school backpack help!?

I would go with the 2nd one I love 2nd and 3 well all of them but I'm going to be and incoming freshmen as well like you and my friends from the highschool think haveing a bigger bag/tote to but in some folders at least in the bag and then carry your books that what i did in 8th grade and I would always go in style and I hate it now like normal book bags look so ugly so go with the 2nd tote :]

Why do other men call me "boss"?

It depends on where you live and if your really big or beautiful. Big as in tall, buff, or fat. Beautiful as in being buff and Phat! If everyone around you loves to be cool more than sensible they probably just say that to you. You probably are impressive of some sort. Just be happy

Im want to dye my hair two different colors, but dont know what colors to do?

So im wanting to dye my hair two different colors, but i dont want it to be like blone and black. I dont think that would look good on me. I was thinking something more classy, like super blonde on top and maybe a strawberry blonde on bottom? But i need more suggestions, and pictures would be great!

What's a cooler job FBI technician or hobo?

As an FBI technician you make $43,000 a year and get a cool badge. As a hobo you get sunburnt skin and feel cold a lot. Also, people look down on you and give you some beans in a can when your hungry. What's cooler if you had a choice?

Name of movie (possibly british?) where a one-night stand ends in love?

I saw this movie several years ago. I don't remember too much about it, but it revolves around a couple who meet in a night, and spend the next day or few together, and fall in love. The actress has short cropped strawberry blond hair if I recall correctly. The movie is r-rated, but as much a comedy as a drama, and not obscene or anything. Help?

How bad did I eat today?

You ate really really healthy lol. Im 16 years old and I eat like crap haha, and if your 17 and 100 pounds you must be extremely skinny which is never bad but you probably don't have to watch your weight but your definitely eating very healthy =)

Bridge connection xbox?

I have my android tethered to my laptop for internet. When I connect my xbox to my computer and test the xbox live connection it connects to the network and internet but not xbox live. It tells me that the routers mtu isn't right or something. How can I change the mtu on my droid 1 so I can connect to xbox live through a bridge connection? Help!? I don't have wifi

How Do I Change My MTU Settings?

i have windstream, and im trying to get xbox live to work but it says my MTU settings are not what they should be and everywhere i look says to turn off the firewall in the modem, so idk what the **** to do

Friday, July 22, 2011

Advice for fixing my horrible hair dye?

My friend, who is a hair stylist dyed my hair today, and it's horrible. It turned out to be horribly dark and she didn't even cover the back, so it's half dark purplish red, half light brown. I need to fix this myself probably but I was wondering if there was a way I could make it one even tone and also more of a strawberry blonde? Should I buy a lighter color with or without red in it?

L.A. Noire Homocide Desk case help?

I just completed The White Shoe Slaying case and I was reading some guides and they mention an interrogation of James Jessop right after you find the Yellow Cab 3591. I found the cab, but it didn't tell me to go back to Central Police Station, and when I did by myself, Jessop wasn't there. The guides also mention the Bus Depot. Once again I wasn't directed to go there, I just went to the Hobo Camp. I still completed the case with five stars, charging the hobo, Stuart Ackerman, with the murder, but I just want to know why I missed those two sections. I'm playing on PS3 if that changes anything.

What do you think of my wedding idea?

Its good imagination very unique but if I was the guest I'd probably throw up am being honest. As long as u and ur hubby r happy all tje best for the future

Is this considered overeating?

Healthy eating for sure not overeating. Overeating is when you eat too much of something then feeling bloated.

Need help playing PS3 games online?

i am using a westell DSL modem from century link. my games work, i can chat with other friends on PSN, i can watch netflix, and browse the internet, but it wont let me play games online. the game i am trying to play is socom confrontation. when i start it it takes a while to initialize network and search for updates. once its started i go to join a game then says network connection lost and logs me out of PSN. everytime i get kicked off it gives me a new error code. i tried everything from switching MTU to 1492 and reseting modem and system but it still doesnt work. any suggestions please. and please dont talk bad about PSN or Socom Confrontation.

How to find lost jewelry?

I work at a strawberry patch picking strawberries and a ring fell of my finger somewhere into the patch of strawberries I was picking at. I looked constantly and couldn't find it, then me and my boss looked again, he has this wire technique that he's used before and it said we were in the right area but I still couldn't find it. He ended up letting me off work early and said he'd look for it some more. And me and my mom will look for it again once she get's off work. Is there any ways or even simple ways that will help me find it, possibly without a metal detector? If I need to where can I rent metal detectors or how much do they cost? It's just a plain silver ring, and I'd love to find it as soon as possible.

My xbox 360 wont hook up to live?

alright, so one day my 360 decided not to hook up to live, it actually signed out mid way through a movie on netflix. i tried running the test on it to see if i could reconnect but it wouldnt and the help it offered said my MTU setting wasnt high enough and that i should try connecting straight to my modem but it is already straight to it via ethernet cord... not really big on how it all works but i have an idea about computers and stuff so if you can tell me what i need to do thatd be great thanks.

What do these xbox 360 error reports mean?

I have been trying to connect to xbox live since Christmas and with no luck. Every time I try and connect it always says I have to change my MTU setting as I am below minimum. But I'm not I'm over, and these error codes always show up. W: 0000-000B X: 0001-8005 Y: 0000-0000. Z: 0000-0000 ID: 0003-0001. I have already got in touch with Microsoft and my Internet service provider and they both have no clue why it won't connect.

Your parents were being generous and invited a random hobo in for dinner and...?

I would ask Sweeney Todd , the demon barber of Fleet Street to make him into a " meaty-meat meat pie "..

Xbox not connecting to internet properly?

This happens a lot it's either your router is not giving off the proper signal for the xbox or you should just restart your router and xbox. These both could be the problem, but if you have a WEP key on your router you WILL have to type that in 100% correct or the xbox will always fail to connect to your internet.

RHH: Shocking News!!!!?

The hobo on 53 & 3 of Manhatten has just released a new freestyle that was taped by local bystanders. The hobo is definitely having a good year and quickly rising up on my favorites list. He's definitely atleast a top 5 artist of the year so far.

Need help with Xbox live connection issues...?

Ok so to start off, my live connection is normally a little laggy. I use a belkin f5d8236-4 v2 router and scientific atlanta 2100 modem. When my Live connection isn't working, I usually just reset them both. For some reason now, its not working. Yes, I have opened port 3074 from my router and opened the nat. The belkin router doesn't allow me to change the mtu settings, so no help there. What I find odd is that the Send and Receive lights on the modem aren't on, yet I still have an internet connection, just not an xbox live connection. Also, my wifi is working because I can connect using my laptop. Do you think this is a cox issue or what else could it be?

XBOX 360 cant connect to wireless router, but laptop is at full strength? Help!?

Ok so I just got an XBOX 360 wireless adapter to connect to my wireless router in my house. Now the XBOX says that the MTU settings are low and it needs at least 1360 but I logged in to the router and it says that the MTU is at 1454! And whats really weird is that my laptop connection is at full strength. What is the problem?

John Lee Hooker Hobo Blues Tab?

does anyone know where i could find the hobo blues tab, i can't really learn by ear but i get the idea of how it's kinda played i know its in open G tuning spanish G i believe but i would love to find the tabulator for it please and thank you!!! or a great lesson on how to play it in that key!!! thanks very much

Under Aged Kitten with Hobo Cat?

My kitten who is about 4-5 months old has started getting outside. She's SUPER fast so it's hard to catch her. We found her hanging out with a homeless cat and she seems really in love. She's been acting like one of those girls in romantic movies when they fall for a guy. So I found them snuggling outside together. We have 3 cats of which 2 go outside her and an older cat of ours who is also a guy. But we found that both of the guys don't get along well. But the homeless cat is WAAAAYY older than her so it's weird, right? But I was wondering if he could hurt her and if she could get pregnant? Thanks!

What hair colors go best with green eyes and semi fair skin.?

I know red is one because I am a natural strawberry blonde, but what are some good and vibrent colors of red (not blood red).

MTU Settings For Xbox Live.?

I recently moved home from school and i am trying to set up my xbox live here at home. I have an ericsson W35 router. All of my internet connections on the 360 check out fine, but it says the MTU settings need to be set at 1364. I have no idea how to change them, HELP!! :)

In the 18th century, 17th century, and ancient times, long hair on men was considered aristocratic and classy?

what happened was the rise of representative government. When the nobility was removed from power, often by force, it's trappings were discarded as symbols of all that was wrong and is being righted. Of course when you consider that the short haired servants and soldiers took over they viewed their own styles differently. For a soldier short hair was a sign of cleanliness and attention to detail. Something it still is for soldiers today. As for the servant and lower classes, they emulated the new authorities and what was once a slight became the custom. Consider at the same time that was happening that sign of wealth had come to be a sign of laziness, indolence and parasitism. then a century or two later in american culture long hair lost more face in that it was often used by hippies out of defiance of the social norm or in many cases just laziness ironically affirming what long hair had come to mean so long ago.

Strict Xbox Live NAT Type?

well ive tried everything i have a belkin router, ive opened ports 88,80, 53 and 3074 in the right type(e.g tcp/udp) and ive even tried turning off firewall completely, and enabling and disabling upnp- nothing seems to work. then when i tried to put my xbox in dmz i couldnt even connect with a message saying my mtu needs to be at least 1364 when it is actually 1474 ANY HELP WOULD BE VERY APPRECIATED

Trying to build, tone and lose fat. are power and protein bars a good way to go?

I tend to work out 4-5x a week. I've been working out and dieting for about 6 weeks. I tend to stay at the gym from 1hr-3hrs. I want to work out as much as i can to get the best results possible because my weight loss has been really slow, I've lost about 7 llbs so far. I've been using whey powder and making shakes out of soy milk, whey, grapefruit, strawberries and oranges. but most recently I bought IronGirl powerbars for before my workout, powerbar energy blast fruit chews for during my workout (which I've noticed REALLY give me energy) and protein plus bars which include 20g of protein. If I'm having a slower workout I'll only take the irongirl bar and possible a protein bar but today (I had a 3 hour workout) I had all three plus a whey shake. is this to much? I dont know if this is enough for just body building or how protein works really. I noticed the energy blasts have a lot of sugar and the bars have lots of carbs and sugar - which I don't believe is very good for weight loss. is their types of energy and protein supplements that have fewer carbs and sugars? or is what I'm doing good for the results I want?

Tinkerbell party ideas? For 5 year old!?

Peter Pan or Pirates for the boys would be good for the boys. You should also maybe put on the the invitations something about dressing up so maybe the other kids could do it too. See how much fake wings are for the other kids so they can be fairy's too. Tinkerbell or Pirate or Peter Pan coloring pages.

Are hst trains always pushed ie power provided from the rear?

There's one engine; the car at the other end that looks like an engine isn't. They're designed for push/pull so they don't have to run the engine around the train at the terminals when they reverse direction.

Is there a hobo living in my roof!?!?

my sister saw someone running down the street in our direction and nowthe whole family is hearing noises like someone moving stuff around in the roof. is there a hobo living up there!?!?!??

Suddenly my xbox live disconnected and said my mtu level was too low?

I had been connected to live for a couple minutes when it happened. I checked my computer and it said mtu was 1500. Their were no changes to router recently. I have a mac

Should I flirt back with this guy?

So I kinda like this guy and I really think he likes me too. He okay fights with me and talks to me and my friends. I've even begun to kind of like him back. He's a true intellectual, one of the smartest people I've ever met. The only one who can beat me in a debate. The only problem is... He's pretty much an outcast at my school. He dresses strangely, kind of looks like a hobo, talks about drugs (even though the doesn't do them) and gets in trouble a lot. My friends think he's a WEIRDO. They all hate him but admit he is very funny. Should I flirt back? Even if my friends disapprove? My friends are pretty important... But I like him.

Do i have to order a cake or can i just go and pick it up (sams club)?

k so on saturday i bought a cake,strawberry shortcake at sam's club.i am new at sam's club so i wanna have the whole cake now for july 4 to i wanna know, do i have to order the cake or can i just go and buy it.i was told that if it is not on the shelf then i DO have to order it.i just want to make sure.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Does frozen fruit age?

I froze fresh strawberries and they taste different, it's been about a month or two. I think it's just because they are so cold and not as much of the flavour is being created. It doesn't seem rotten and such.

Critique the first chapter of my horror novel and tell me if you keep reading?

I've critiqued A LOT of peoples novels on here and this is DEFINITELY the best! I'm only 14 so I'm not really one to say but that was very good and I would definatly going to want to keep reading! I wasn't expecting the magic and now i really wanna know more. I'm not scarred though... but it's a proper book, not a little story!

How can I make a good healthy hobo dinner?

We are going camping and I really mainly need some sort of sauce to put in it so it's not really dry and I can filter out the grease from the meat.

Poll: Question for people who live/have been to New York?

Yes it's still there. I'm not sure if you can go in the room, but it's still there. I went there in March, just being near it you get a very weird feeling.

How to change the MTU settings on a netgear modem/router for xbox live?

when i test my xbox live connection it says that my network doesent have sufficient 'MTU' setting...the cable co. setup my modem/router and i dont have a clue how to change any settings on it

Xbox connection fluctuating?

For the past 2 hours my connection on my xbox has been fluctuating quite a bit. Every 10-15 seconds I would go down to a red bar then after about 5 seconds it would come back up to a green bar. The only thing I can think to do now is to lower my MTU, but how much? Automatically it is at 1500, what should I lower it to if it will even help. Any other suggestions on what I could do?

Does this sound like a good idea to you?

See here's the deal. I gotta get out of the house cause my gf is driving me crazy. After work I'm riding my bike down to my homie JZA's house then we are going to go get some 40oz.'S and head down to the tracks where all the hobos kick it and we are going to kick it too and get wasted. Whatta ya think? Sound good?

What is an MTU setting?

In computer networking, the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of a communications protocol of a layer is the size (in bytes) of the largest protocol data unit that the layer can pass onwards. MTU parameters usually appear in association with a communications interface (NIC, serial port, etc.). Standards (Ethernet, for example) can fix the size of an MTU; or systems (such as point-to-point serial links) may decide MTU at connect time.

When you were a minor how did you get booze?

I'm 22 now but when I was younger I used to get booze sometimes through older friends, and those were great times, lots of laughs. One time I got drunk at a park when I was younger... so what are your stories? Some of my friends said they payed a hobo to get it for them, but I never understood how you could do that without him taking your money and leaving? Did anyone here do that?

My Black Ops live isn't working? New maps too?

Type your ip into the URL box on your computer (to see your ip go to my xbox>system settings>network>wired/wireless network>then configure and it should tell you) you can mess about with the settings and have a look if there was something stop g you. Also check that you definitely have got xbl gold

HELP: No more Black Ops?

Have you checked that your internet settings are secure, i.e. make sure it has a password so no one from across the road is trying to use your internet for free.

Strawberry birth marks?

My youngest sister had one, it was small to begin with then started getting bigger, so they got it removed when she was a few years old as it kept growing. Was in and out of surgery in a few hours, and was none the wiser.

Xbox live opening an MTU port?

Ok it won't let me connect to live bcuz it said I need to change my MTU to auto or 1364 or higher how do i do this?

Is this enough food for the day? How many calories?? PLEASSE ANSWERRR?

No you're actually ridiculously skinny. You need to eat way more than that especially because youre 15. If you don't get enough calories during puberty you could harm your body. You really need to eat more. Idk how many calories that is, you can find calories for pretty much every food on the internet. And the fact that you literally counted 6 blueberries is a red flag. You need to eat more. You should eat protein like some kind of meat to build your muscles.

I'm trying to connect to xbox live but it cant connect between the internet and xbox live.?

The MTU number is above the minimum needed and the problem started since i got a new modem. Any suggestions

Cheaper brand of hobo international wallets?

Where can I find one of those hobo international wallets but a different (MUCH CHEAPER) brand? I love those wallets with the little clamps and the 2 pockets and the pocket in the middle. I just cant afford one of the hobo wallets. Help please! God bless!

In order from most likely to least which of these tasks would you do for $10?

Lick a public toilet seat, lick your own toilet seat, eat a rotten banana, live for a week in a dumpster (with cable tv), trade clothes with a hobo and goto work in the clothes, let someone puke in your shoes and spend the day walking around in them, wear a suit made of dead fish to a wedding, wear road kill as a hat and eat a chocolate chip cookie?

Is there alot of homeless people in new york?

i was really just wondering if generally you see 1-2 hobos (homeless people) cause my friend went there and said there was alot this is yahoo awsneres with Thousands of users i assume a few of you live in New york New York Thanks for reading and if you have a awsner please fell free to Answer if your going to insult me or not i'm just wondering :D

Will I gain! loose or maintain! please answer.?

Breakfast: 5pieces of a small satsuma. Lunch; a plain pickle , tamato sandwich on 2 pieces of brown bread.. Dinner : a bagel with strawberry jam. I'm 6stone 7pounds. 5'5 19years old.

Easiest possible way to make chocolate cake?

I know nothing about baking and I must make a chocolate cake ( strawberries). I am 15 and I must do it alone. I know absolutely nothing about baking, Please provide me with an easy stepby step recipe.

How to not laugh inappropriatley?

Haha lol I have the same problem as you in school assembly, an asian came up and talks about racism and is saying stuff like ingrish for english and how they are equal, and I was laughing and covering my mouth and I got in huge trouble, but it is something I can't help, I doubt it is anything serious, try thinking about something else like the holocaust or something sad like that and you will probably endure through something the will get you in trouble lol

What school should I go to, WMU or MTU.?

Right now I'm making a last minute decision on which college I should go to. I am currently undecided with my major although I have looked into Anthropology, psychology, and a business major of some kind. Anthropology is my primary interest. Based on a purely educational standpoint which school is the smartest choice?

With my current diet and exercise, what am I doing to my body?

You aren't getting enough calories, not even close. You are also very low on protein for the amount of work you are doing.

(Pics included)Would this hairstyle work on me?If you dont think it would do you have any other ideas?

i like the style but to determine how it would look on you i would need a pic of you so that way we can see how your face is if you understand

Should I talk to this woman?

She's looking at me across the crack house. Should I pay for her crack? Maybe she will like me then...she's a hot hobo

How long can sickness last with general anesthesia?

I had ACl surgery on Monday and had trouble keeping anything down right after it. I was later able to eat some grapes and strawberries but have had trouble again with crackers and grapes. I need to eat something with my meds (vicodin and an anti-inflammatory). How long could this sickness last? thanks!

Is a pop tart or toaster strudel healthier when on a diet?

Can a low-fat strawberry frosted pop tart at 180 calories be part of a healthy diet? What about a strawberry toaster strudel with icing at 170 calories? If these are healthy to eat when on a diet, which one is healthier for you?

PS3 DNS error 80710102 (wired connection)?

I have tried everything possible to get online on my playstation3. I've used public and open dns, reversed the dns ip's, reset modem, disabled or enabled media server, changed the last number of ip address and/or subnet mask, used only primary dns or only secondary or even both, lowered the mtu speed, everything! I've started earlier today rebooting my ps3 to its factory settings and it'll be finished in about 4 hours, I don't kno that if after i do that, i will get online but everytime i try using the easy method, it always times out even though i get ip adress the internet connection fails, Same thing for manual, I always get ip adress succeded but i never get internet connection. Everytime I plug in the ethernet cable after rebooting the modem, the ps3 says no ethernet cable in or detected or something like that,but i still get the ip but no conection, I use a motorola sb5120 modem from comcast btw. I have read so many forums, visited comcast and playstation and I just can't figure it out, "Please Help"

XBOX live wont work in college dorms.?

You have to call your school's internet provider and have them setup your XBOX's MAC address. The numbers are probably on the bottom of your XBOX. These numbers will be recognizable to your dorm's router ONLY when manually imputed by the internet provider.

Will a wireless xbox 360 adapter work when a ethernet cord doesn't?

With an ethernet cord my xbox says that I do not have a sufficient MTU setting to connect to xbox live. I want to buy a wireless adapter but i do not know if the same problem will occur. Please let me know. Thanks

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How hardcore do YOU feel when you scalp strawberries?

I dry the little scalps and hang them from my belt when I go to the grocery store so all the fruits and veggies know I'm a badass who will f *ck them up!! Hell yeah!!

Is it ok to have a fruit smoothie every day or is that too much sugar?

it's completely healthy! fruits have lots of antioxidants! :) and yes the sugars are natural so you're fine! omg i lovvvveee flaxseed, i put it on everything hahha. remember to eat lots of greens too! :)

Which type of breakfast would you choose to start off your morning!?

meat patty made from human female genital w/ breast slabs on the side and chewy mexican penis foreskin

Xbox live problems? help please!?

Mtu setting is too low? What does that mean? How do I fix this? Please help! Having withdraws. I haven't killed a zombie all day.

What is the best type of cake to make with?

I want to make a vanilla/white cake still looking for a recipe I am always hesitant to bake recipes from the internet and the one on the cake flour box calls for way too much butter (3 sticks). I am going to make a custard and then a strawberry filing and put both on each layer and then make a cream cheese whip cream frosting. this makes it a little thicker than the regular whip cream and so it wont "melt" when sitting out.

Can you lose an adult tooth by biting down on something hard?

Certainly, you can break your teeth if you aren't careful. Ex: biting an eating utensil..spoon, fork, etc. chewing on a fruit pit and yeah so watch it!

Any blonde girls hugging a hobo?

My friend dared my to hug a hobo and show her the picture, but I can't find any homeless people. Are there any pictures of a blonde girl hugging a hobo I could use? Would you hug a hobo for me? Please help! Thanks!

Blonde highlights in natural strawberry-blonde hair?

I'm thinking about getting some blonde highlights in my hair..I have naturally wavy strawberry-blonde hair and I feel if I get some blonde highlights it'll really make my blonde stand out. However, my boyfriend is totally against this idea saying he loves my hair how it is and that it's perfect..I'm not sure what to do. Any suggestions? :)

What does neapolitan ice cream mean?

i know its a mix of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream. I just wonder who came up with the name and what it stands for. thank you for your time to read this

I think there is a hobo in my attic what do I do?

So a month ago I got home from a restaurant and I noticed my attic door was open when it wasn't open when we left and then I noticed there was a hand print on the door and I know it wasn't anyone in my family cause it wasn't opened before we left and everyone in my family was with me so... what do I do (I am freaking out a little)

Xbox live mtu error.?

My xbox keeps throwing up the mtu error. I have a d-link DIR-628. Mtu is set at 1400 i was told that should fix most of my problems but its

Can I make a strawberry milkshake?

I really want a strawberry milkshake but I don't have strawberry ice cream? Could I still make a strawberry milkshake using vanilla ice cream with added strawberries?

How do I match MTU setting on PC and PS3?

Check and we do mods and custom controller painting so check us out!!!

I have long strawberry blonde hair. It's about 2-3 inches above my butt. Do you think that's too long? ?

Yes. Usually when I see someone with that much hair, it looks weird to me. You don't have to cut it all off, but a shorter length will probably be more flattering, and save you some prep-time in the morning!

Can't Connect To Xbox LIVE?

I'm using hughesnet right now(I've connected before but not expecting to play multiplayer) with Belkin N+ Router.I do the xbox Live conection tests and they say i need to change my mtu settings i tried that and its still saying the same thing. On the connection status it says, "Xbox live is Up and Running." There is a Red X between Internet and Xbox Live symbols.

MTU is to low to play on xbox live?

I'm at Loyola university right now and they're help support is insanely unhelpful. I'm trying to hookup my xbox and ps3 to the internet but the MTU is too low. I have a wired connection going. On my computer the MTU was set at 1280 but that's wireless. Any suggestions on how to boost it up so that I can actually get online and playing again?

I need dcoumentation on Methods of Testing Strawberry Fruit Firmness?

i need dcoumentation on Methods of Testing Strawberry Fruit Firmness, i found on one website but it is asking for money , is there any website from where i can download it for free pls, help

I plan to attend MTU next fall,i want to major in computer science. Do i need to be a whiz at math?

You would be better off asking the guidance councilor at the school you are currently attending. If you are attending one that is.

Can moving your vegetable plants in the same garden kill them?

I'm kinda new to this but I have so tomato plants, a watermelon, a cucumber, a strawberry, and a zucchini plant. I had to pit a little mesh fence around the garden (4'x 4') to keep my hungry weine dog away. The watermelon was on the front corner and was growing into the garden (backwards) and the cucumber vines were growing to big and over crowding too. There is space in te back of the garden for things to grow as well, so I moved the watermelon to the back as well as te cucumbers, moving the tomatoes to the front. The plants have been growing for about a month, and there's flowers and a couple tomatoes visible on the plants. All I give them is water, and I use no fertilizer. I moved them last night, and now (mostly the tomatoes) the leaves are droopy.

Where should I buy my school bag?

I'm a high school graduate going to Boston for college this fall. I'm also on a budget. I don't really have a "style", so I usually just go whatever's in style. I just want to stay under $75 and steer clear of Vera Bradley. Other than that, pretty much any tote/hobo bag that will last me a long time and looks cute is going to work. Any suggestions?

Any Character Ideas for a fairytale?

I don't have any suggestions, but I think what you have already is a great idea! Just branch off of that a little more and you'll have your play! Keep writing! :)

Why is my PC losing its wireless connection every few minutes?

i think there is no/little problem with your computer any way try checking your Firewall settings and run aVirus check, try reinstalling your wireless connection meticulouly again, try ping testing a href="" rel="nofollow" to rule out either there is a problem with the browsers or the wireless connection

How to make a strawberry costume?

I want to make a strawberry costume, not a strawberry shortcake, but a STRAWBERRY one. How do i make one? i also want to make a hat that is ilke a strawberry's top stem.

How to change mtu settings for xbox live?

i have the new wifi xbox and in order to activate live it says i have to change the mtu settings. I have verizon wifi and do not know how to do this

Does anyone know for 100% fact that hobo spiders are in McMinnville Oregon?

-The Hobo Spider is known to be in the Pacific Northwest but I wasn't able to find anything specifically in McMinnville specifically.

My xbox live doesn't work right. Please help!?

Okay, so this is extremely frustrating. When I am up at college, I can play my xbox fine. I can play with anyone, anytime. When I am at home and bring my xbox home, I can't play with half of my friends. It keeps saying "can't connect. may be network problems" and I know it's because of my connection. I have a stupid Belkin Router, and I watched some youtube tutorial on how to open NATS. I enabled NATS and opened them. HOWEVER, after doing that, my xbox quit letting me connect to xboxlive. It kept saying change my MTU settings to 1364 or higher. Once again, I accessed my Belkin Router and it said my MTU setting was 1454. So I don't understand what the problem is. It's reallyyyyyy frustrating!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why wont Xbox live work?

Yes, I'd advise getting onto a proper qualified engineer, someone who knows what he's doing. I'm having similar problems with my PS3, it keeps on giving me error code 80710b23, and saying, an error has occurred, you have been signed out of playstation network.

Help, Strawberry/Whipped cream dessert?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Strawberry's and pregnancy?

its safe to eat strawberries right? i have a huge craving and i cannot put them down...and i just now thought of you think its okay?

Xbox wont conect to internet?

I'm at a hotel and have been running my xbox through my mac with an ethernet and internet sharing just like at home and it was working great. i got back to the room tonight and it wouldnt connect. it told me to go above 1364 mtu which i already was, never had that problem before. now my mac and xbox are both saying that there is no cable plugged in and ive tried every combo of plugging and neither pick it up. the xbox picks up the cable for a moment when i restart my mac but thts it help plz. i have 7 more days we just got here

Local area connection and xbox live not working?

if you are going to connect thru the laptop, you need to setup a second subnet with a different set of ip addresses for the subnet. you would be better off connecting the xbox to the router directly, and make sure the router has dhcp turned on.

Colleges, ivy leagues, advice needed?

It wouldn't hurt to apply. You never know, you might get in depending on the difficulty of classes you took.

Cross body, slouchy hobo bag?

i need a cross body bag for frequent traveling, something secure/fully closed. i also love the slouched hobo looks & lighter colors/patterns...any links or ideas?! :]

My x box wont connect to live?

Last night i was playing on my x box and i went to sleep , next morning its saying i cant connect and it said something about MTU and my x box doesnt have a sufficient one? help plz!!!

Where can I find a pattern to make a cross body hobo bag?

I would like to make a bag that looks like this one: . If you know of any patterns, that would be great!

I want to be an actress, I'm a 13 year old strawberry-blonde with no experience. What should I do?

I'm 14 years old and want to become a actor, and the sadest thing just happen to me, I found out somebody I KNOW Is an actor today and starts filming in August, I don't know if this is true but it seems true

Is there something psychologically wrong with my grandmother?

Okay, im 13, she's 76. I went to bath and body works and got myself a ceramic strawberry candle holder, and a few candles to go in it. I left it downstairs... and i come back because i woke upp... it was gone... my grandma had thrown away my mountain dew when i deliberately told her not to throw it away. and she said clearly okay. then, she said later on when i was looking for it " i throw it away, you didn't tell me not to throw away your bottle " when i KNOW i did. Then when i was looking for my candle, ceramic jar, and the lighter, she told me flat out, she doesnt have it in her room. But I smelled my candle in her room. I went back upstairs. I snuck downstairs, i heard her close my ceramic jar. And i saw her taking out the lighter and putting it back in the drawer where she said it was, and made me look for it for about 5 minutes. I confronted her, and she said it was in there. I was like omg with a serious face. I was pissed because i knew for a fact shhe was lying. then my mom came downstairs, and my grandma told my mom, i have the lighter in my room because i took it and her candle ceramic.... like why are you going to lie to me, when all i needed was that because i like taking baths with a candle lit. Is there a psychological problem that has to do with hiding things, and lying? if so... waht's it called? I really need to know, because im getting tired of this. she does this all the time.. i've been putting up with this for like 3 years now, and i am sick of it. she also has a problem of explaining all of her problems to random strangers... what is that called? im soo aggravated... i got my candle back though..

How can I protect my stawberries from birds without using netting?

I was just waiting for my first strawberry to turn red .. just one more day I thought .....and then it was GONE! stolen by birds I presume hmmm

What color eyes will my kids have?

There is no way to tell since your statistics are all different anyway...all babies have blue eyes at 30wks of pregnancy and most carry that through birth, some change colors and some stay blue... other factors are not just your parents but your grandparents etc..just because your father has olive skin doesnt mean somewhere down the line your children can get fair skin from another relative and so on about hair and eye color Also consider what you looked like as children. My husband who is a twin has blue eyes and dark hair, I have green eyes (hazel really but almsot always green) and brown hair which was straight and I looked hawaiian until high school then it got super curly our kids have blue eyes and blonde hair (like my husband as a child) our son had blue eyes and now at 1 1/2 are turning from blue to green and has curly curly blonde there is no best guess scenerio for this except have a baby and see what they look like..each child may resemble each other but not all may have the same eye color hair color etc

How do i make my hair lighter?

i have strawberry blonde hair and it gets little blonder in the summer but i want it to be mostly blonde.

What does this crazy dream mean?

just dont think worry about tell yourself, that was a fd dream and move on. Talking about will keep it there in yr head an u will see things that are noot there to think or worry about. So concern yrself with good things. Dreams are just another learning tool..

HELP! My husband's grandma bit my baby!?

My grandmother (my husband's mom) came over for a visit today. While my husband was in the kitchen getting some food for our baby and I was at the washroom, I heard my baby cry out in pain! I rush out into the living room with my pants still around my ankles and saw her biting my baby. When she saw me she stopped and then my husband came in. I told him what I saw but then he got mad at me because he really cares about his grandmother. My baby is bleeding and I don't know what to do with his grandmother. I punched her in the face and now I have a bruise on my hand. She isn't moving but that doesn't matter for now. My husband thinks a hobo did it so whatever. But please, how do I get this darn bruise off my hand? Also, should I try to sew my babies stitches up? I don't want to go to the hospital in case they see my bruise and force me into surgery to remove it.

Do you think he likes me?

sounds like he REALLY likes you! just tell him you like him! i have a gut feeling things will work out

Is Xbox Live down? - No access to website either?

Xbox Live and website works fine here. I'm also from the uk, try unplugging and replugging in your router. Its usually the basic things that work for problems like this :)

What kind of ancient Greeks wear chiton?

what i mean is what kind of people? hobos, poor people, rich people, average people, or, whatever... i need it for my project about greece

Canning my homemade jam- Ball canning jar question?

I made a batch of strawberry jam - this is the first time I have ever canned anything- I made about 10 4 oz jars. When I took them out of the water bath my daughter pressed the tops down on the lids and they did not pop back up. Do I need to re-can the jam since the lid did not seal itself since my daughter pushed them down or is it still ok?

Govt president project...?

Im doing a project where i choose a president and a vp. I chose a hobo named scutters to run for president and his puppet named alfonzo for vice president. I need a really good campaign slogan for my poster...any ideas? Haha thanks

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why do people do drugs?!?

I get soooo POed at these idiots who do drugs. It's pointless, and it ruins your life. I really wanna know why these hobos do drugs! Yeah, it gets you high, or gives you a buzz, or wutever! Than they say it's becuz of someone else making them do it. If they had something called... hmm... WILL POWER, than maybe they wouldn't be stealing money from other people, and ruining their entire life! I hate it! WHY DO THESE PEOPLE DO THIS! WHAT GOES THROUGH THIER MIND!?

Xbox is not connecting to internet?

when i try to connect to xbox live via my ethernet cable, it connects to the cable but NOT the internet. when i press more info, it says mtu settings error or something similar. its saying the mtu settings need to be more than 1356 or something and when i acessed the routersettings, my mtu is 1500, and its still not conecting. please help!!

A few internet connection questions?

How do i find the IP Adress? And the DNS? Whats a Proxy Server? Whats the MTU value? where do you find it?

I've opened ports in my E3000 router and still cant connect to friends. Help?

If you are trying to connect to them you don't need to port forward anything, they do. You need port forwarding if you are running the server, your question indicates you are trying to connect outbound.

Should i tell anyone that this hobo keeps walking behind me when i walk to school?

It's getting creepy. EVERY SINGLE DAY it happens. I'm actually getting scared. and if i tell my mom or dad they are most likely going over react ._.

How to set mtu for xbox live?

Visit a href="" rel="nofollow" if you are interested in getting rewarded with Microsoft Points or XBL Gold Subscription Codes for doing short simple surveys.

What does this crazy dream mean?

just dont think worry about tell yourself, that was a fd dream and move on. Talking about will keep it there in yr head an u will see things that are noot there to think or worry about. So concern yrself with good things. Dreams are just another learning tool..

How can I make a key lime strawberry pie?

I want to make a key lime pie with a strawberry sauce swirled in. All the recipes I can find are basically a KLP with pureed strawberry's which is not what I'm going for. Can I make a strawberry sauce and swirl in before baking? Or will that ruin the sauce? I appreciate any suggestions!

Do i need a router to connect to xbox live?

My xbox 360 is in my bedroom upstairs while my computer is downstairs. I have a modem that i'm not using but its a dsl modem (one port) but the modem im using with my computer has multiple ports (im sharing the modem with my dad's computer as well). Well i tried to connect to xbox live with my dsl modem without a router or computer. Everything connected perfectly until it connects to xbox live. I got an error saying there wasn't a sufficent amount of MTU or something. I searched the internet for a bit for anyone with a similar problem and someone said you need a router. But another guy said you needed a wireless modem or something. This is really confusing. If I can't use my dsl modem, do i have to use the modem my computer uses?

Why can't I connect to xbox live?

OK. I moved in december, so i couldnt have my xbox hardwired to the router anymore, so i got a wireless receiver ( a mad catz ). Anyways, it worked fine for a few months, then it stopped connecting because the MTU setting was too low, so I checked it and it wasnt too low so I reset my router and everything was fine for a couple weeks when it wouldnt connect again. I tried resetting it and restoring everything again and it wouldnt work. I even bought a new router (the other one was old) and still it wouldnt connect. I tried everything. I called xbox support and they said it was the internet providers fault. I called the internet provider and they said it wasnt them, it was the router, so i looked up everything on how to connect to xbox live with the router and still nothing would work. I literally tried everything. I dont know whats wrong someone please help. My internet for my laptops still works fine though. HELP

How do I change my MTU settings?

I want xbox live, I have the Verizon Wireless 10GB plan, and wifi. I need to set my MTU setting higher, but I do not know how.

Hobo politeness question!?

you know those signs hobos have? need food or whatever? would it be rude to give a hobo a care package ( socks shampoo soap food water towels brush etc) and a dollar in excange for their sign? how bout if we dont give him the package and just give him a dollar for their sign? is that rude? truthfully answer please! but dont be rude i didnt really think the whole thing out.(:

Can you do the 24 college list?

None of that has anything to do with college. Just being an idiot. That's the opposite of the goal of college.

What does insufficent MTU mean?

ok. My friend and i were playing halo reach, and everytime we would try and play, he would get put down to a recruit. After like 5 minutes, he would go back to his normal rank. He went to check his connection and it kept on saying "Insufficent MTU" does anyone know what this means, and how he can get rid of it? also we play over xbox live

Can't Connect to Xbox Live at College?

Some Details: I have an Xbox 360 S Console with the built in wifi active. Upon testing for a connection, the test can verify the router point "Resnet", it can verify the router has internet, but upon the diagnostics from the internet to Xbox Live an Error reads that my MTU settings are not sufficient. I do not have the authority to change router settings and at last resorts would i want to call the IT department at my university. I also cannot connect my xbox to an ethernet port. The signal from my xbox to the router is at full bars. If anyone has any suggestions or solutions i would love you greatly! Thank You for your time! PS: If anyone needs additional details i can provide anything.

Would blonde hair look good on a Asian?

My brother is 5ft 11in, 6ft on a good day. He weighs around 150lbs. Short hair. Would he look good with blonde hair? What type of blonde hair? (Like, Platinum...Honey...Strawberry... lol). Pictures will be appreciated. :D

Poll: Beyond Land, Sea, and Air await the _____?

If you get this right I will give you a chocolate chip cookie with rainbow sparkles, dipped in hot honey, melted with milk, with 2 pounds of sugar added, a bit of pasta sauce added in, along with garlic, vanilla cake, some strawberry ice cream and some brown sugar.

Is this bag cute for a 9th grade girl for school?

In my opinion, as a junior in highschool (boy) the best thing you can do is to get a bag that expresses yourself and don't seek the approval of other people.

My xbox 360 says my nework doesnt have a sufficient MTU setting?

I just switched my ISP to windstream and when i try to connect to xbox live it gives me an error pop up that says my network doesnt have a sufficient MTU setting. How do i fix this?

My Xbox LIve Nat type is strict?

well ive tried everything i have a belkin router, ive opened ports 88,80, 53 and 3074 in the right type(e.g tcp/udp) and ive even tried turning off firewall completely, and enabling and disabling upnp- nothing seems to work. then when i tried to put my xbox in dmz i couldnt even connect with a message saying my mtu needs to be at least 1364 when it is actually 1474 ANY HELP WOULD BE VERY APPRECIATED

How can I create and edit my own web page?

if u have your design file you can easy to change or edit your web page if dont have 1st download your website and use dreamweaver use and edit if u need to fix your proble we can help visit us

Help with configuring ADSL2 modem?

i don't really think that modems play a vital part when it comes to adsl or adsl+. a reliable modem will do. as for the settings and all that, you will need to call your isp. sometimes it's best to stick to the modem they provide.

How can I get free food at McDonalds?

Okay, on Monday, I walked into one of my local McDonalds locations to get a beloved strawberry banana smoothie and expected to spend $2.95 on it. Well when I went to order it at the register, I told the lady I wanted a medium strawberry banana. I was a little shocked to see that the total was $2.75 instead of $2.95. Seconds later, the lady said here you go and she gave me a medium chocolate shake. I said Miss, I ordered a strawberry banana smoothie and so she had one made for me. She let me have the shake too. I was thrilled to pay only $2.75 for a shake and a smoothie. I aint no theef, I iz like a good citizen...but I wanna have it happen again. Should I say chocolate shake and then when I get it, say I asked for a smoothie? Please help me

Is Pascall Strawberries & Cream halal?

I had a friend who is muslim and open an ice cream shop. His brother in law pointed out that most ice cream is forbidden and should not be sold because they use extracts which contain alcohol. He finally went to his mosque and they said its not great, but it's ok.

Diet help please, 135 pound female?

During winter break I tried an orange diet for a week and dropped from 148 to 135. I'm usually 115 - 120 but I gained tons of weight when I started birth control and I think also because I was eating unhealthy food living in the dorms since I didn't have a car first semester and ate what they sold on campus. I've been trying to lose the weight since jan. I'm 5'5, I'm 20 years old and I currently weigh 135. I do workout everyday for an hour and a half and for breakfast I eat a 1/2 cup of cherrios with 1% milk, for lunch I have light yogurt (110 cal) with 3 cut up strawberries and a banana cut up and for dinner I usually have a sandwich with swiss cheese (90 cal), wheat bread, a little light mayo, onions, and turkey. I was thinking of trying a carrot diet for a week, would it work as well as my orange diet?? And don't say this is unhealthy please I ate only oranges but I also took multivitamins, fiber, and protein for that week. To give you a look on my metabolism: I urinate probably 15 times a day and I do the other thing around 4 to 5 times a day. Advice please? Oh and the ten pounds I lost during winter break I know it wasn't just muscle cause I lost inches and looked skinnier in general.


yesterdayxbox live today. i couldnt connect to xbox live. it said the mtu needs to be higher then 3641 i think. i went to my router page and its at 1500. i tried it again. i unpluged everything for a 1 minutes and plugged back in and it worked for about 10 minutes and i got disconnected again. and now it wont work..... anything?

Help with dying my hair...?

wow it looks great just like that and ur very pretti ... i guess if u wanted to highlight it with strawbery blonde it would look really intresting and cool and bring out ur green eyes !!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

X box mtu isn't high enough but it is?

Its at 1500. I have the slim. My modem is a 2 wire 5000g. its both a router and the modem . My old x box connects no prob but my slim doesn't. it is connected directly to the modem and still doesn't work

I ate 4 strawberries and 3 nectarines, how many calories is that?

And is that too much for a snack after lunch? I am doing exercise, 50 minutes every day except weekends. I am on a diet but I am not sure if I should be eating this much fruit. I am 5'6 weigh 143 lbs so far, and I am female.

Keeping a house clean?

No kidding, you're going to have to move out. That place sounds like a serious health risk. Your flatmates might clean up once every so often, but if they've let it get into that state once, then you can guarantee that they will let it happen again. Yuck, I'm all itchy even thinking about that place

Hello there,I am having trouble connecting to xbox live, and i need some help, if any one can assist me Please?

Hello there,I have a speed stream 4200 modem connected to a N1 Belkin router. I want to get xbox live for my xbox 360 console but it says that i do not have the current MTU settings, i have tried so so many times to change them but i cant. Please help.

Fun ways to make plain vanilla ice cream... better?!?

I have vanilla ice cream but i dont have any chocolate/strawberry sauce to go on top. Are there any common kitchen ingredients that could make a bowl (or a shake, whatever i decide to make ;D) of ice cream...better!!

Strawberries? strawberries. and more strawberries?

okay so my mom and i babysit triplets. there almost 3, there family went strawberry picking and they have tons of straw berries! im wondering what we can do with them? pancakes, and strawberry shorcake are out of the question :D thanks!

I got a mtu settings error on my 360 and i know my mtu is high enough how do i fix this?

It depends on how you're connected. If you're not bridging your internet through a computer then I would call your ISP. Sometimes this is a problem on their end.

How do you fix this xbox problem?

when i do an xbox live test the thing with the bars it never goes right to the end but stops on the last one with 1/3 of the bar filled. It says to correct mtu settings or connect it directly but i cant do that and the mtu setting is max at 1500. what do i do? please help! Thanks

Why are people so afraid of hobos?

I saw my old friend from school on the side walk, as a hobo. He looked way skinnier than I remember. I had stopped and given him some dog food for his dog and water. He didnt seem to recognize me and said "god bless you" like he would to a stranger. Think of yourself driving down a road and you see an old friend being a hobo. Wouldn't you want to stop and help? I imagine that every homeless person has someone they know that has seen them and won't do anything for them out of the fear that they're hobos and scary or dangerous. Why are people so afraid of hobos?

How to connect to Xbox Live through Laptop?

I've done so much research online and I've gone to my network settings and there are 3 icons. They say my xbox is connected to my PC. Then I keep getting this error message on my Xbox saying that my MTU setting needs to be changed to at least 1364. I'm using my latop as a router and I need help figuring out this MTU setting change. Searching online it seems like it requires way to many steps and programming for me to comprehend. Does anyone have a simpler solution? Thanks.

Is there something wrong with my husky?

A few days ago my 1 year old Siberian Husky ate a sesame strip (with the clear plastic wrapper). It had Acai Strawberry, Pom Blueberry, and Goji Cranberry in it and he also ate a nilla cookie out of my cousins plate. The same day he ate his food like he has been since I got him 3 weeks ago. But then he would eat anything and he drank a lot of water. Today he threw up a tan looking fluid so I put him outside just incase he threw up more and before I went inside to clean I saw him chewing on the grass. After I cleaned his throw up I wentto check on him and I saw a green fluid that kinda looked like melted icecream. Im not sure if he threw that up or if it was diharria. So I'm kinda nervous cause iv never had a dog before. He has still been his really hyper playful self so I don't know what's wrong. Please Help

Help with my garden!?

i have to questions about my garden. firstly, i was at a store today and they have a plant there. the people at the store dont know what the plant is. i think it looks like a grape plant but cant be certian. it has kind of a stiff dark green stem, with 2 other tiny little separte things at the bottom. its not to big.. maybe 5 or 6"? is it a grape vine? and secondly my strawberries have gone wrong and i dont know why. can i have some tips with taking care of them? and thirdly (i know i said it was only 2 questions) can you tell me how to take care of tomatoes, chillis and eggplant? i have a small little space of land and it dosent have very good nutrients. what kind of soil and mulch should i use? thanks a lot!

Can I use a Strawberry Topsy Turvy for my tomato plants?

I have 2 pots of tomato plants the either need to be moved to bigger pots or a topsy turvy. The seem to be too big for the tomato topsy turvy, so I was wondering if I could put them in my Strawberry Topsy turvy that has 15 holes all around it. Some advice and some help Please?

If you don't do good in school?

it depends, alot of famous people that changed the world didn't do well in school. Doing well in school certainly helps though.

Can someone help me with my hair dye disaster?!?

When I was younger, I had bleach blonde hair. Unfortunately, as I get older it gets darker. I dyed my hair but I didn't leave it on long enough and now it's strawberry blonde! It doesn't suit me and I wanna get it light again. To make it worse, my dirty/ashy blonde roots are coming in. It looks a right state! How can I get it back to my really blonde hair again without dyeing it? Or will I have to grow it out? Thanks.

I need hobo bag help!?

hi, i am looking for high school bags and i keep seeing these ADORIBLE hobo bags but they have NO dimensions! how am i supposed to tell if it will be big enough?

Xbox Live MTU setting not making any sense?

The error message is probably wrong. A lot of college dorms lock down what can be plugged in to their network, and sometimes the first device that is connected is the only one that will work -- that's why your roommates 360 works where yours doesn't. You'll have to talk to your college's help desk (or whatever) to get your 360 hooked up.

How do I Fix the MTU settings in the Bell Turbo Hub to access Xbox Live? please help?

I've gone to my Hub's page but could not find anything about the mtu settings? Does anyone know how to hook up the xbox live to the turbo hub, I was told it would work for Xbox? please someone help me thanks

Do you think my friends a *****?

I have 2 BFFs lets call them Alyssa and lily and today we were sitting under a tree in the schoolyard and something bit lily's butt twice. And I wanted to leave so lily it didn't bite lily's butt again. So we tried to get Alyssa to move and we'd go with her but she just kept writing in her journal. So I jokingly said c'mon Alyssa let's go we're like flea ridden hobos over here. And then Alyssa got up and went away and me and Lily went over to her and she asked to talk to Lily alone and I said fine and when they were done Lily told me that Alyssa said she was sad. Yet she calls me a retard all the time for no reason and I don't stop talking to her. and she wouldn't talk to me until last recess when these real bitches let's call Carly and Britney were bullying my friend Lily and made her cry so we took her into the office and the principal wasn't there and we told the secratary and she said she'll tell the principal on Monday. And then Alyssa talked to me and forgave me. There was another time she wouldn't talk to Lily because Alyssa was bullying Lilys cousin and her cousin told on Alyssa.Plus she whines ont he phone abou not being able to come over and she's been to my house like 50 times in the 8 years I've known her and I've only been over there 1 and I don't complain. Do you think Alyssa is a *****?

Martha Stewart's Strawberry Cupcake Recipe...?

I was wondering if anyone has ever made these cupcakes and can tell me how many the recipe makes. Also, for the butter cream frosting does anyone have any tips how how to make it with out a kitchen-aid mixer? Thanks.

Why is there an old man under my bed?

Yeah, when I tell him to get out from under there, he is like "uuggghhhh". At first I was like wtf? But have gotten use to him over a period of time. I am a heavy sleeper, and well I woke up early once because of alarm on wrong, and he was on top of me. Rubbing my leg, with his tongue in my ear. Sometimes when I'm just sitting down on my bed on my laptop top, I start hearing a tapping sounds, and he starts rubbing my toe, when I put it at the end of the bed. Has anyone else got this problem? How can I get rid off him? He said he would give me 3 wishes, if he could stay and not to tell anyone He is there like my mom or dad. He say he is a magic hobo and always wants me to still my dads beer. Thanks, serious answers please!

Are women getting fat these days because they are so unhappy with their lives?

Listen buddy I've seen you post rude depressing questions over and over again! Where I am from , everyone is happy and celebrate and apreciate eachother and life! Either move because your living in a depressing place, or its you and your attitude sucks. Grow up, and the reason everyone treats you so bad and your life sucks is because you talk about people with such disrespect and imaturity.

If I wanna lose weight am I doing good?

Try to get the adequate number of calories for your ideal body wait from sources that don't elevate your blood sugar. Lean meats such as fish and unsaturated fats and complex carbs such as beans or nuts. Fruits, breads and sugars are high in sugar and leave you hungry later and get converted to fat faster. But check with a doctor first to make sure anything you change in your diet or excercise is safe for any medical needs or conditions you have. Check into " south beach" or "primal" diets. But above all be patient with yourself and don't let guilt or shame be your motivation.

What do you think of my idea?

Good luck with that! Think you might have a few problems as in most countries you will be working illegally. This means that if you come to the attention of the authorities, and you will at sometime even if it's just a visit to the doctor, you will be deported back to your country of origin at your own expense. And don't forget many countries know expect you to apply for a visa before leaving home.

WHY IS IT SO HARD TO FIND A JOB? it summer for heaven's sake! isnt everyone suppose to be hiring?

No one is hiring because there is a high demand for jobs. Too many teens and college students are staying at home. Think of it this way: high demand for jobs = less jobs available

What Ifc movie is this????

This movie has been in my head for a while. All I remember is this african kid I think in one scene he yells at this chick and in the setting there's a car standing on bricks and he cusses at the chick and some hobo starts to crack up. Throughout the movie he hangs around with this one white chubby kid who wins a dog fight with his dog. I know this info is weird but could you guys help me thanks.

Xbox Live On-Going Problem?

My Xbox Live connection is really poor and I have struggled with it over that last few years. I keep taking advice and watching tutorials online, but nothing seems to make a difference. I have had 2 Xbox 360's over the last few years and a PS3, my PS3 sometimes has troubles, but no way as much as my Xbox 360. I have had many routers too, trying to find the best ones, spending over �100/$160+. My router (N-Range(always had N-Range routers)/Belkin) is situated in a small office about 25m away from my wireless devices in my house. The other devices work well, just the Xbox 360 has the problem (the New Xbox 360 250GB btw), my previous Xbox 360 (Premium 60GB) had the normal official wireless networking adaptor (not the N-Range one) and that had a improved connection than the new Xbox 360 which I'm currently using, it seemed to be better. I can't move my Xbox 360 nearer the router or the other way round, nor have a wired connection, I've moved my Xbox 360 to the very corner windowsill in my room, hoping for a better connection, but failing. All my other wireless devices, such as my iPhone, PS3, Laptops, Wii, iPod Touch etc work fine, just my Xbox 360. I just don't know what to do any more, the connection's on and off, some times it'll work alright (but not excellent) or really bad. I've had many connection errors (btw wireless connection is around 2/3 bars) on it from MTU errors to just failing to connect to the router. Sometimes in the Internet Connection Test it'll go through the process fine, completing and saying that I can connect to Xbox Live and then saying "Can't Sign In". I know people might not suggest a lot, or be able to fully resolve this problematic and painful issue, but some knowledgeable advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

I have Connection Problems?

i have TRENDnet as my router. i am trying to set my MTU to a higher setting. I have logged onto my account, but cannot seem to find where to change it. Can Anyone Help?

MTU settings on xbox live?

ok so me my neighbor has internet and i have the new xbox live wifi adapter so he lets me use his internet.....but the thing sometimees lets me connect but most of the time it says something about the mtu settings on the last steps to connection.....and when i do connect after about a hour it disconnects me so whats the problem???? o and he plays on the playstation network (psn) and i was wondering if that could have something to do with it?

What is an MTU setting, and what will happen if I set it higher?!?!?

Okay, so I wanna connect to XBOX Live through my wifi(I have the new 360) and I wanted to know if I raise this MTU setting to the standards, will it mess with my GB a month?(I have 10GB a month) or will it use any of my usuage or change anything?

If you get hacked on xbox do they have you credit card?

i think i maybe hacked i try to go on xbox website my Avast anti virus says trojan when i try to sign in it says mtu fail.

Should I dye my hair...?

Well I remember the first time I dyed my hair I was freaking out but then i ended up LOVING it so it's up to you but make sure it's a color YOU like.

How do you change the mtu setting on your wireless router?

Log into your router, then it should be under one of the settings tabs. Either basic or advanced settings I'd say. To log into your router go to the command prompt and type ipconfig. Type the default gateway address into the address bar of a browser and hit enter. The default user and password will probably be admin admin or admin password.

Working in the Sahara Desert?

Wanted : Irish Navvy for building job in the Sahara Desert. Please bring cement only, sand provided.

Need help connecting to xbox live?

Hello, i'm connecting to xbox live using the direct modem method (just connecting with the DSL modem without router or adapters). Well i tested the connection and everything worked fine until it reached the part between internet and xbox live. An error popped up saying i had an MTU error. I checked the MTU on my modem and it said it had 1500 which is enough. Can anyone find out the problem? The dsl modem is a speedstream 4100.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What to make with frozen strawberries?

i have 3 packs of frozen strawberries in my fridge, what can i make with them? i have some strawberry puree stuff to put on them too.

Xbox live no computer?

Hi I was wondering if there was a way to connect to xbox live without a computer. I have a wireless router with internet access but when I try to access it through my xbox it says I don't have enough MTU. I tried doing it with an ethernet aswell but I still get the same thing. How do I fix this with no computer.

FAHRENHEIT 451: What were the books the hobos memorized? Meditations, Republic, and what else?

I've read the book, and re-read it again. I know the book lists Johnathon Swift, Albert Einstein, and many other authors, but are these authors that have written books that are memorized by the hobos?

Could this be skin cancer?

Not at all. My husband has tons of those, and his dermatologist said they were nothing to worry about. It's the Black ones that are bigger than the head of a pencil eraser that you need to worry about. Your mom is silly, it has nothing to do with family members having or not having cancer. Next time, mention it to your doctor on your next visit, let HIM Make the decision.

How to change mtu settings on rca modem so i can use xbox live?

everytime i try to connect to xbox live, i get error, something about my modem needs to change the settings to 1364, need help, goggled everything and watch dozens of videos, no help, andcomcast is my provier by the way!

Where can I buy a hippie hobo sling crossbody bag?

I love the look of these. Do you know where I can buy one with a cute pattern for a teen girl that is less than $15-20.

Trouble connecting my xbox 360 via ICS?

first off. I'm trying to coneect my 360 in hotel wireless scenarios via an ethernet ics through my laptop (windows XP Proff.). i've been doing it for the last couple years but they gave me a new pc and it won't work anymore.i keep getting insufficient MTU error when trying this. I tried using the dr tcp or tpc (ithink that's what it is) to change the MTU settings on my laptop but it doesn't work. there's no problem with the ics - the internet test is varified in a heartbeat - just that damned MTU! HELP!

Why do other men call me "boss"?

Dude in the west, Buddy in the east, don't worry about it Boss, it's just some people's thing my friend, go get 'em Tiger!

Your network doesn't have sufficent MTU setting. Xbox LIVE requires a minimum MTU setting of 1364 HELP ME?

After that is says i need to go on my pc go to my router confiuration webpage and set the MTU to auto or 1364 or higher? How do I get to my configuration webpage im using a sky broadband router

My mom is overprotective?

I also have an Asian mother, and she's quite like yours. Probably not as extreme though... But yes, your mother is overprotective and she's being very unreasonable. Seriously, nail polish isn't going to turn you into a stripper or anything. You need to talk to her, find out what her problem is, and try to convince her otherwise. If it doesn't work, then you'll just have to wait until you can move out at 18.

I need to increase my mtu to 1500 for my xbox 360, i have a belkin router and i dont have any money?

i need to increase my mtu, i share my router with the computer and i know thats the problem, but when i go to my routers home page i can change everything except the mtu, i cant find that setting option to change

Ideas for an easy-to-plan, inexpensive party?

if you need a costume for your party, you can rent a stylish one at Stoom Room instead of buying something you only wear once. They have free shipping both ways, and ship directly to your mailbox.

Is what I've eaten today healthy?

For breakfast I had one bowl of whole grain Cheerios, lunch I had fresh broccoli, frozen peas, and canned green beans all steamed and home made macaroni and cheese. I had a chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread for dinner and I just had a bowl of blueberries and strawberries, and a glass of apple juice. I'll have some water soon. Is what I've eaten today healthy?

Router MTU setting issue?

Hi I recently bought an xbox 360 and also bought Live, but it is asking for my mtu level for my router to be set higher. I have a BEC Technologies DSL router model BEC 7800gt. I have looked everywhere on this router to change my mtu. I'm not sure if I missed something, or it is not possible to change this on this type of router? Please help it would be much appreciated!! Thanks.

I cant get on the xbox website?

Last night i beat some guy on fifa he said he will hack me. So today i go on xbox it says mtu error and when i try to go on the website on my laptop it says horse trjan on my avast anti virus have i been hacked????

How to change NAT type to OPEN?

I've searched all day and have tried literally everything to change my NAT type to open. It always says moderate no matter what i do. I have forwarded ports, manually did my ip, changed my mtu, turned upnp on, everything. I know im not missing anything. I have a linksys e1000 and an xbox 360.

Is it wrong to spit on hobos?

**** that lefty friend, they are probably a homo as well. Keep fighting the good fight bro, hobos are degenerates and need to be reminded of their place in society. infact, you may want to expand your hobo activities to include beatings.

How can i Change my MTU settings.? URGENT <3?

Follow these instructions a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Dont forget to save your settings.

Dog has strange growth on leg?

This is about my dog she is some mastiff breed (not sure, I bought her from a hobo) and is 6 years old. So the past 2 months there has been this growth starting to show on her one leg, it looks really disgusting and I don't like to look at her any more. Anyway we have tried to take her to the vet but every time the mexican who works for us tries to pick her up she bites him. Now the mexican wants to sue us because he has been bitten twice and my mother is on the edge, she really wants to shoot the dog (and the mexican, rofl). So do you think it is worth to still try and get the dog to a vet, the growth is pretty large now or to just kill it?

How to look good in school uniform?

The face is the money maker. But I suggest walking each day to slim down more, then your belly won't stick out when you sit. I did it when I was younger.

Hooking Xbox 360 up to live...?

I just got a 360 and would like to hook it up and play live. I got an Ethernet cable and pluged it into the Xbox and motum and do everything correct...I think. When I power it up and try to connect to live it says it can't connect and it also says to check my network MTU and make sure it is set to auto. I checked all that out and it was already set to automatic, but the Xbox still won't connect to live. Does anybody know what I can do to make it work?

Do you have a garden? What do you have planted? Picked anything yet?

Tomatoes only no room for anything else. They are just setting flowers we had rain delay in the Buffalo, NY area.

Nokia E71 Networking MTU Help?

I just bought a Nokia E71 smartphone and I am using Joikuspot to link my laptop to the phone's internet. So far so good, the internet works fine for the laptop, but when I connect my xbox 360 to my laptop and try to get on live, I get an error on the final step(actually connecting to xbox live). The resulting message says I need to alter my MTU settings on my router(phone). How do I do this? Any help is more than appreciated.

What is the default MTU setting on a computer and how do you check your MTU?

I'm using a laptop and I tweaked my MTU how can I check what it is set to and what is the default MTU or the MTU it should be at?

I really need help with this!!!!?

Ok so I just got the wireless adapter for m Xbox and a gold membership... I connected to everything except Xbox live. It said the MTU was supposed to be 1364. Mine is 1452. I have a wireless belkin N+ router and I was able to change the MTU to 1364. Now when I did that the modem light and the Internet light started flashing orange. It wouldn't let me connect to anything (e.g iPod, laptop ect). What do I do because I spent a lot of money on it.

Friday, July 15, 2011

How many weight watchers points is a dryers strawberry popsicle?

I just started weight watchers and I couldn't find the points for a dryers strawberry popsicle. Does anybody know how many points it would be?

Can My ISP Fix My MTU?

There's an option in your router settings, however each router is different so I can't tell you exactly where. The best thing to do would be to phone up your ISP and they will tell you how to do it step-by-step.

I bleached my roots too light?

My hair is naturally strawberry blonde but I've been bleaching it a shade lighter for the past year. I touched up the roots today but they've come out a bit too light. I think I'm going to buy a dye that's the same colour as the rest of my hair tomorrow and dye the roots so that they're the same colour as the rest of my hair. I don't want this to turn out worse than it already is so do you have any tips or instructions or is there a different method I should use? Thanks.

So i tried everything to connect to xbox live and nothing works?

im guessing its comcasts end that isnt working because when i test the ethernet connection im tyring to connect to in my house it says you dont have enoguh MTUyou need at least 1364 or whatever. ive tried reseting my network, xbox, modem but nothing works. I dont know how to get to the online modem options page. I've tried typing in my ip adress. That doesnt work either. it says failed link or broken something like that. I've tried additional settings in my xbox. Like putting in a alternate MAC adress. That got the network running just thats missing is the MTU settings that i've needed to change

Xbox live connection problems?

hii. i got an xbox for christmas yesterday, and i cant connect to xbox live. it says that the MTU isnt high enough on my thomson gateway TG782T, but i can't figure out how to change it.. any suggestions?

How do I raise the mtu setting on mywi?

im using mywi to connect to xbox live and it says my mtu setting is too low and i have to set it to 1364 or higher. is there any way i can change the mtu setting on mywi? (on iphone 4)

How can I match the the wireless protocols on my computers?

When I listen to music through my AirPort Express, it's great if I'm playing the few iTunes playlists on my iMac or my wife's PowerBook. But If I play my master playlists which are all on my Dell Inspiron 530, I get approx. 1-second silences every minute or so. Under "Speed" the Apple computers both say Standard 1500 MTU, so I guess that's what the AirPort likes. The Dell must be set to something else. How can I find out and modify it?

Do you ever have a dream and then a few days later it happens? wtf is that?? o.0?

okay, for examples, i had a dream that i was talking to a hobo and mr. hobo sneezed. and a few days later, i saw a hobo on the street so i went to give him some money and he sneezed. this mr. hobo was the same mr. hobo from my dream cuz dream mr. hobo and real life mr. hobo looked exactly the same. so, wtf is that? o.0

Cannot connect to XBOX Live!?

Am trying to get xbox live working, Says my mtu's aren't high enough but have already checked and they are. Xbox tech support cant help me they have just pawned me off onto my ISP and they have sent me to my Modem provider Netgear and the have sent me back to my ISP! Have tried wireless and cable straight from modem. Sometimes it does connect but stops when it starts updating. Any help would be awesome Thanks

What cute hairstyle can I do for the first day of high school?

This August I'm starting high school, and want to make a good impression (not popular, I wanna be the drama freak), and I want to know about any cute yet wild-ish hair styles I can do. I have shoulder length red hair, with side swept bangs that go down to my cheek bones. My hair is slightly layred, and I plan on getting my hair re layred and trimmed just before school starts. My hair color is copper red, with strawberry blonde highlights that only show up in sunlight. Any ideas?

Does this represent America best?

It's very descriptive and very good. I hope no one thinks I'm being PC (politically correct) here but the unshaven mexican part does seem a bit shaky to me. It's really just the "unshaven" part. Maybe there's a replacement word that would work like "hopeful" or "destitute".

Strawberry pests????????????

google "strawberry plants" there is a mine of information on this site and is very informative about all aspects of growing strawberries as well as ideas for products to make from the fruits!

PS3 wireless: Internet Connection Failed?

98% is actually good connection. Have you tried the easy setting? It'll scan everything for u and if it doesnt work, try restart your router since ur using wireless. Update this after u tried this. I'll try help u best as i can

Can you damage invisalign aligners by eating soft foods?

I just got invisalign braces and have been too lazy to take them off today. I ate strawberries, blueberries, rice, and green beans with the aligners on. Will this cause them to bend and change shape?

Connecting to Xbox 360 Live MTU Settings?

I am trying to connect my Xbox 360 to my school's dorm network. I am plugging the Xbox directly into the wall here, because I don't have a router. When I try connecting, it says "Your network doesn't have a sufficient MTU setting. Xbox live requires a minimum MTU setting of 1364". I can't change any of the settings myself. Will I need to get a router to make this work?

I bleached my hair from cherry black to ginger.... I want to go blonde... how many bleachings will it take?

if it's ginger now and not in too bad condition, bleach it again and use silver toner on it to get it a less brassy colour. if your hair is in bad condition from the bleach, use a conditioning mask until it's better before you bleach it next. if it's not very ginger now, more like an orangey blonde, just use the toner now. you can also use silver shampoo if you can't get hold of toner.

What can I do about my weight?

I'm 5 feet tall, and I weigh 131lbs. i'm going on vacation with my 2 friends, and they're both TINY! One is 5'6 and weighs 115lbs, and the other is just about as skinny as her.... I do not wanna look fat on the beach next to them;I don't want to be that fat friend in all the pictures. At the beginning of this week, I weighed about 135.6lbs. I've barely been eating anything, limiting myself to about 600 calories a day. Yesterday I did really good, only eating a little over 400 calories. But I gained .8 of a pound!! And I was active the whole day, and I ate strawberries, broccoli with cheese, and a waffle. With 8 glasses of water like usual....How the hell did I gain .8 of a pound?! I'm leaving for vacation on in 3 days (Saturday) and idk what to do anymore.

Can I donate ruined french toast to stray cats?

You can definitely feed cats toast. Cats can almost eat anything, except for chocolates and obviously, poisons. However what suits cats most are meats; any sort of meat, from sardines to pieces of hot dogs. So in the future if you have any spare meats you could use those. Hope I helped!!! :) And it's wonderful you're helping the stray cats.

Does it take a while for home made jam to get thick?

I made home made strawberry jam - this is the first time I have ever canned anything so I have a ton of questions- Right now the jam is like soup! I am really hoping it will get thicker. It has been out of the water bath for about 30 mins now and still seems really runny when I move the jar around. Will it get thicker? The jam does have pectin and a lot of sugar which I thought would make it a thicker jam.

Why can't I connect to Xbox Live?

My 360 won't connect to live. I usually connect to Live by connecting the Xbox to my laptop and bridge the wireless and wired connections. Our Internet connection recently started going ridiculously slow, so we got a new cable modem and a new wireless router. This fixed our internet problems, but now I am unable to connect to live. The error message tells me I need to set the MTU to 1364 or higher. When I went to set it, it was 1500. I changed it to auto and got the same result. If what I just said makes any sense at all, could you tell me how to fix this?

How to stop Minecraft Lag Online?

My minecraft lags severely online (block and chat). Single player works fine with render on far. Download speed 6 mb and I lag whereas my friends speed is 4mb with no lag. It cant be my pc as i have tried two on the same network. Black ops on my xbox works fine with no lag. could it be mtu or port forwarding???

Losing weight and gaining muscle?

Omg. Yes you will gain weight but don't expect muscle gains eating like this. Where is your protein??? 1 gram for every pound of bodyweight.

Can't connect to xbox live?

Im in college and im trying to connect to xbox live but it won't let me. When i test the connection it goes through the first 2 tests then fails on the third. It tells me the MTU isn't high enough and that is must be at least 1364. Is there any way around this.

How do I change the MTU on my Xbox 360 router?

You can not. Your MTU I believe is Maximum Transmission Units or something like that. Basically if you can not connect to Xbox Live because of this, you are screwed because your internet provider is too slow to connect to Xbox Live. Change Internet companies.

A good name for new YouTube channel?

I'm starting a new YoutTube channel after splitting off of UberEpicMegaFail. My name is Ted and I have really random videos talking about hobos, smartphones named after fruits and more videos to come. What should I name it?


its character day in a couple of days and i don't know what to be. :( i dont know if it helps but I WILL NOT WEAR DRESSES OR SKIRTS SO DON"T GIVE ME CRAPPY GIRLISH IDEAS an i guess you could classify me as emo cuz i wear all black and have blue hair :) thank you an leave a comment below :) (oh and i can spell im in intensified english in my school so don't give me crap like "you need to fix your punctuation ya retard or oh my its such a shame kids these days are becomin dumber"frankly i find it quite annoyin if they're dumb fine let them become a hobo then laugh at them but im a straight A student so dont give me that crap, i just find it easier to type things out like this on the computer...just not on projects though good day :))

HELP! My husband's grandma bit my baby!?

My grandmother (my husband's mom) came over for a visit today. While my husband was in the kitchen getting some food for our baby and I was at the washroom, I heard my baby cry out in pain! I rush out into the living room with my pants still around my ankles and saw her biting my baby. When she saw me she stopped and then my husband came in. I told him what I saw but then he got mad at me because he really cares about his grandmother. My baby is bleeding and I don't know what to do with his grandmother. I punched her in the face and now I have a bruise on my hand. She isn't moving but that doesn't matter for now. My husband thinks a hobo did it so whatever. But please, how do I get this darn bruise off my hand? Also, should I try to sew my babies stitches up? I don't want to go to the hospital in case they see my bruise and force me into surgery to remove it.

How to optimize WGR614v4 wireless router?

when i'm connected through wifi on my router, my download and upload speeds are basically cut in half from when i connect directly into my modem. i know people have complained about the throughput from forums i've read, but is there a hacked firmware or any optimal settings like changing the MTU or have the SP1 firewall disabled, etc.? please help if possible (also, my PS3 won't even connect unless i'm plugged into it)

Is this a fake coach? ?

Yes, all the items are fake on this site, it is a typical Chinese scam site and you will get ripped off. Always check websites via before purchasing, and avoid all sites in China, any site online less than one year, any site with a locked or private domain registrar - all signs of a scam.

Did I eat at least ok today?

stop obsessing. that sounds fine it's not like you eat chinese food everyday i would suggest eating that huge bowl of fruit to a few hours after breakfast in order to keep your metabolism moving cause thats a really bigg breakfast haha

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is there something wrong with this day of eating?

Do not try to lose weight by not eating a lot, it is unhealthy. But I don't really eat that much because I don't do that much, I sit all day. You need 3 full course meals a day, as long as they are portioned and you don't eat more than you can handle, you wont gain any weight. Make sure what you eat goes a long with your lifestyle.

Where do you buy a hobo sling bag?

Im seeing everyone with those peace hobo bags and I want one but don't know where to get one! Help please!(:

What are the things that make life worth living for you?

Life makes life worth living and the love it , you did well at pointing out some sweet moments of it. One would be wise to stop hating life & start loving it, daily. Let me explain. People that complain a lot like all the time,this is not good. It is a poor view on life. Life has just as many goods if not a million times more than bad, we need to view them for our benefit. Life does have a hard time but it's not good to give up on life cause life hasn't given up on you. Life is sweet, truthful,nourishing, loving, kind and most of all loyal to your preservation and restoration. Life is what people are hating on all the time when you see brothers killing brothers,sisters envying sisters, people abandoning people. Life just wants us to harmoniously dance with it, do what's right & good for others and self but people are defiant "we have a better way" revenge,bitterness,envy,immorality to any degree. Well, life also has a tough love side to it too. It doesn't want you to stray from it (its a loyal love) but if you are bull headed and do so it will allow you to (it gives you choice to do what is right). Now, the thing is that the further you move away from (life) what is good and right, nourishing for self and others, you die. Its like a branch separated from a tree or a plant uprooted from the ground. Blessing be upon you as they have.

Why can't I stop eating?

I ate half a box of Frosted Mini Wheats: Strawberry one by one. I started feeling a bit of an upset stomach so I stopped. I got this sudden craving for a grilled cheese. This isn't the first time its happened. I would feel full and get a food craving. I'm only 100 pounds for 5'2" also. So, I don't know what. And no its not that time of month.

Need some Feedback plz....?

Thats great! Isaw you last question so ianswered it:) your meals loook great you will lose some weight fast with some aditional cardio maybe an hour would help... Iheard if you lower your milk percent its healthier.. But looks wounderful.. Glad.. I hope you keep it like that. Stay strong!

Cant connect to xbox live, Mtu to low need help?

Ok, I use to connect my xbox through a ethernet cord that goes directly to modem. A couple of days ago, I went to my cousins house and they have wifi. I set it up there and played for a week. I move back home and try to connect but it says mtu is to low. What's happening here. I trouble shoot and it says to try connecting directly to modem. But that's how I been connecting to it. I have DSL service and a speed stream 5100 modem. I know its compatible cause I use to connect to live with it. What should i do. Also the default mtu for a modem from att is 1500. IM so confused and angry. To me xbox live is like crack to a crackhead. I need my live man.

Why isn't Xbox Live working?

Recently, my dad turned the wireless off of the internet, so he could get most of the bandwidth for something. After that, I've been unable to get on Java chat sites. Not a big deal. When I got an XBox for Christmas, and tried to connect to Xbox live, the troubleshooter said it was a matter of MTU. I asked my dad to take a look at the settings, and it said the MTU was at 1500. Higher than the minimum of 1364. Help?

Why are my strawberries grown in a container growing in strange shapes?

I am growing strawberries and they are growing in strange shapes and the seeds are all near the bottom of the fruit. Why is this? What can I do?

How do I get the IP address of my powerbook?

System Preferences > Network. Click the "Show" drop list, and set it to "Network Status". There it is.

Do you think he likes me?What do you think?

Im not sure, be careful that he is not trying to play you. If he hasn't held your hand in public then he might not be serious. And if he hasn't verbally expressed his feelings he might just be having some fun with you.

Is this a real mental illness?

:D aww no you dont have a problem, you just love children<3 but i think you should look into child care or something you know?

Are there midgets living in my basement?

I was watching tv and herd a noise from down stairs I whent to look but I seen nothing just footprints (tiny footprints) so pls some one tell me if there are hobo midgets living In my basement.

What should I name my cupcakes?

My friends and I are opening up a cupcake shop. And we are trying to think of cute names for cupcakes and we need help. We need cute names for: vanilla, chocolate, German chocolate, strawberry, Oreo, and red velvet cupcakes. Thanks

Xbox 360 opening my NAT please any tips welcome...?

I have a westell modem, a belkin router, and an xbox 360. My problem is my nat is closed. I have tried port forwarding all the ports xbl says to. still closed. i have tried putting my xbox in dmz which i never wanted to do in the first place, but it was my last resort. says i need to adjust the mtu. i cant find that function on my router. Any tips? Do i need to port forward the ports from my modem to the router and then from my router to my 360? i am able to port forward on both modem and router.

Do any shops near Palm Harbor Florida sell Faygo?

I live in Palm Harbor Florida, and I am a super huge fan of Homestuck. I was wondering if there was a shop nearby, that sells the wicked elixir of Strawberry Faygo. Please answer!!!!

My xbox all of a sudden wont connect to xboxlive?

I was in the middle of watching a movie on netflix through my xbox live gold account while all of a sudden it kicked me off oof live. my husband was using my laptop at the same time if it makes a differance?... but i have tried so many things to get it back up. i reset the wireless router. i powered off the router and the modem. still my laptop connects to internet fine. just when i run the connection text on my xbox it goes thru network and internet and gets halfway to xboxlive and it alerts me that there is something wrong? pluggin it directly into my modem did not work either does the same exact thing. my mtu or whatever is also set to the previously suggested. all of the suggestions arent helping. can someone please please please help me.

Perfect Outfit For The Fair?

I'm going on a date tonight to the Del Mar Fair and I need to know what kind of outfit should I wear. We're getting there kind of late-ish.. towards 6pm. I kind of have this cute punk chick kind of style, so I was thinking of rocking my hot top tiger print sequin converse, dark wash shorts, a slouchy black top, my leather jacket, and my hobo purse, but I want everyone's ideas. My makeup for sure is a natural smokey eye. That's how I always do my makeup. Anyways. My date is in less than 10 hours! Help me out♥

Do light skinned african americans look better with dark hair or lighter hair?

I am a light skinned african american(in the black community I would be called red or yellow bone). Right now I want to dye my hair strawberry blonde with black on the roots and the ends(like janine on house of payne) and I was was wondering should I just leave it natural(brunette) or dye it completely black or dye it completely strawberry blonde? and also do light skinned african americans look better with dark hair or lighter hair?

I think my friends A hypochondriac?

ok so everyday of her life shes always thinking somethings wring with her, she doesnt show it but she says she has repetative thoughts about it. she said she feels like she brings people down.. suposably she says everytime she talks too her friends they complain about a chest pain.. and she thinks it has something to do with her.. and she said she can make people feel a vertain way.. adn oits really starting too trip her out.. she said shes scared of people.. exspecally hobos cuz everytime she walks by them they yell and she gets this wierd scared feeling in her chest.. what can this possibly be? please helpp. shes been feeling like this for way to long and i miss the old her ):

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Comcast is isp modem problems mtu settings and xbox live?

Hooked my xbox directly to my modem which is a surfboard SB5101U IT'S CABLE MODEM I'm pretty sure I should be able to sign right in to xbox live but it keeps failing saying something about the mtu settings I've never had this problem before and I've played on Comcast for months before I just got it again recently and wanted to play xbox live wondering how I can fix this. Oh and I don't have a computer at the moment so I can't do anything that way for a while so pleas help me thank you

Recurring Xbox Live Problems HELP!?

Alot of that has to do with your router. Having a strict or moderate nat type is all to do with your router. If this keeps recurring you might want to go and pick yourself up a new router. This also works for me, if you still have the router installation cd, reinstall the router so it gets restored back to defaults and then it should work better because you reset the router. Hope this helps :)

I am having Xbox live problems?

ok i just bridged a connection from my laptop to my xbox 360 and it wont connect to xbox live i went to more info it says your network doesnt have a sufficient MTU setting xbox live requires a minimum MTU setting of 1364 what do i do?

On average I eat 1 cup of blueberries, 1 banana, 1 orange, 1 peach, 1/2 cup of strawberries a day. Too much?

Eating on a healthy diet like that is great, however you don't want to over eat. But, rather than eating 3 big meals, 6 healthy snacks/ small meals are good as well.

Spiderrrrrr!!!!!??? Hate these things?

So I live in a 2 story house, do you think theres any way a hobo spider can get up into my room? I know they're bad crawlers, But I just want to make sure

Book written from dogs point of view? Weird?

I'm writing a story about a 14 year old girl that is murdered by her step-father. Her best friend (a boy down the street) is out to prove it was the step-dad even though the police believe it was a street guy (hobo?) and are searching the streets to find him. The girls mother goes crazy with grief and the step-dad is now in charge of the 2 younger siblings. I was thinking of writing it from a pet dogs point of view but don't know if that would be too weird? Also haven't decided how he dumps her body and it's found... Thanks ahead!

Help, problems with Xbox 360 LIVE and AT&T Internet?

I have AT&T Internet with a small modem named Westell. I have activated my service and connected my modem but how do I make a home wireless network connection? And I tryed connecting to Xbox 360 LIVE but it says my network doesnt have a sufficient MTU setting and I need a minimum MTU setting of 1364, how do I do that? Please help!

Help! I woke up this morning and..?!?! HELP?

So last night I was out partying and that's all I remember. I woke up this morning to find some hobo looking guy in my bed facing me with wide eyes and a huge smile. I started yelling at him to get the f*** out of my house but his reply was "Heheh. I like doorknobs." when I went to call the police I noticed the phone lines were cut in half. I also don't have any neighbors that I could stay at. He's running around naked right now screaming "LEPERCONS!! LEPERCONS ARE CHASING ME!!" It's seriously annoying. Anyone help??

What should set the MTU on my router?

i have dsl direct 1.5m with NO phone service. and I'm trying to tweak my router setting for best performance. I have a Belkin G+MIMO what should i set the MTU on???

I cant connect to xbox live because my mtu setting is to low how do i change it?

Log into your routers setup and change the mtu, for instructions on how to do that look it up on your router manufacturers website or check the manual.

How do I change my MTU setting?

You need to use a computer to access the router and change it's settings. Underneath the router it will give you the interface address and the username and password. Go into setup /advanced and MTU should be down the bottom.

Substitutes for rum in strawberry daiquiri?

I have strawberry daiquiri mixer and it says 1 oz. rum but unfortunately we have no rum. would vodka work? or maybe tequila??

Anyways to increase my MTU settings for xBox live without being able to access the router?

Basically I am on college campus and have manually changed the settings off my xbox to the same as my laptop and bridged the connections. How can I increase the MTU settings?

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Here are the choices... Strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, mint, green tea, cotton candy, and mother nature and cookie dough. (my fav). CoOkiE LoVe~<3

Story from a Boy and a dog's point of view. Good?

I'm writing a story about a 14 year old girl that is murdered by her step-father. Her best friend (a boy down the street) is out to prove it was the step-dad even though the police believe it was a street guy (hobo?) and are searching the streets to find him. The girls mother goes crazy with grief and the step-dad is now in charge of the 2 younger siblings who he also abuses. Im thinking about switching between her dog and the boys point of view. Maybe it could lead him to her body. I just think it's too common to be from only the boys point of view. Also do you think the dog leading the boy to her body sounds good or should I just have an older couple pop a tire and see her body in a grassy ditch? (this idea is from Brighton in my last question, I'm not taking credit, I do like it quite a bit)

So about adding 28 to my mtu.....?

Since the highest i can get my mtu with out fragmenting is 1436 does that mean i should enter 1464 as the last test in my cmd... or change my mtu in my setting to 1464? Or do i leave it at 1436 and just know that its actually at 1464 even though the computer says 1436?

Hobo spider information, please help?

So, I don't care about normal spiders at all, I'm wanting to know if HOBO spiders have a high chance of getting into my room. I live in a 2 story house, I know they can't climb very well, I just want some opinions

Husband wants to sell my house. I'll be homeless.?

My middle aged husband abandoned me several years ago after over 20 years of marriage. He told me that even though I'm a wonderful person and have been a great mother, he doesn't want to be with me anymore because he wants to date other women. I tried to convince him to stay but I came home one day and he was gone bag and baggage. I felt like the wind was knocked right out of me, but as time went on, I tried to go on with my life. I found a job and learned to live without him in my life. He continued to pay the mortgage since he makes a lot more than I do. My job pays some of the bills, food, and personal expenses, but there's nothing left after that. I've been doing the best I can and trying to save what little money I have but I do not earn enough to survive on my own without his help. I'm nearing retirement age so its not likely that I can start a new career at this point. My husband contacted me the other day and said he wants to sell the house because he can't afford to pay the mortgage anymore. The bottom line is if I have to move out of my home- I will be homeless. I could never afford an apt. and I was hoping to work at least another 8 years to get my 20 year pension in, but now that he is pressuring me to sell, I doubt I will even be able to keep my job since I'll basically be a hobo. I am severely depressed over all of this. He turned my life upside down when he left, now he is doing it again by throwing me into the street. My home was all I had left. I have been looking into homeless shelters as a last resort, or even trying to figure out how I can live in my car. My mind is going around in circles. I have two grown kids, but I can't move in with them because they both live with their fiances. I never thought I'd find myself in this position. I bust out crying on the phone as I was talking to him, but all he was concerned about was his girlfriend that he had the nerve to talk to me about. (We are still married) I've been praying for strength and answers, but I am losing all hope. If anyone has words of support, I truly need to hear them.

Is XBL down or cant i connect?

I got a xbox slim for x mas and my dad just got internet. It says I have a insufficient mtu. But its at 1500. my router is a wireless n 150 router with netgear. my isp is comcast. wtf is going on??

Help with Bake Sale Pricing?

Bake sales are tough. I wouldn't charge over a dollar for the cookies and brownies. Only because it's not a store bought brownie or cookie so people aren't compelled to buy them as much. Not sure why but that's just how it goes. I would charge at least $0.50 for the lemonade because as I can imagine it's not a fully filled big cup. If it is then, be my guest and charge $1! For the fruit salad I would say charge $3-4.50 for it.

Hungry but terrified to eat?

Im hungry a little bit but I don't know what to eat!!! Btw I'm 5'5.5 and 110 pounda... I'm kinda scared to eat ( I have an eating disorder obviously) I don't want to eat but my body is wanting food and I'm only giving it snacks like fruit or nut...but I'm scared to eat anything else like carbs ( I isn't like bread or grains) I've been up 10 hours and I only had 1 tbsp natural peanut butter, bowl mixed fruit ( strawberries, berries) a cup dry granola cereal, orange, and 1oz almonds..I walked a mile and exercised for an hour...I'm hungry but don't know what to eat and I'm scared of eating aomething high cal even if it's healthy..

Is this bad? When I use MTU to ping youtube with 1470 bytes, it only returnes with 67?

No. If I send you a 3 page bill and you only return a small piece of paper (a check), is that bad? Ping includes certain data, the response includes other data.

Help!!!!ps3 when i try to go online says a error accorued an then 8071053d?

this happened to me tooo...i litereally JUST got off the phone with the guy from the network i guess....his name was Carl by the way...anywho...apparenttly the network is down ): its annoying as hell but "theyre trying to get it up and running as soon as poosible" lol (: hang in there

Can you play online if you connect a plug into a xbox360 into a laptop will i be able to play online?

I usually play xbox 360 on wi-fi but now it says that i dont have enough MTU and need more then 1364 , so I was wondering if I plug my xbox into my laptop will I be able to play online with enough MTU?

Will I lose weight if I keep this up?

I'm sixteen and trying to lose some weight to get rid of some of this curviness that I hate. -_- Anyways, I'm a dancer, so I thought, 'What better way to exercise than dancing, right?' In the morning, I have five strawberries. In the afternoon. I have two pieces of toast and a yogurt. After doing that, I play Just Dance 2.. It's a Wii game, and all in all, I burn 952 calories on it. Afterwards, I'll eat a regular dinner, because I can't really control what my Mom fixes. But she cooks healthy things and small portions, so I think I'm good on that. Anyways, I've been doing this for a few days, and I haven't lost anything. /: Will I lose any weight if I keep this up?

Strict Xbox Live NAT Type?

well ive tried everything i have a belkin router, ive opened ports 88,80, 53 and 3074 in the right type(e.g tcp/udp) and ive even tried turning off firewall completely, and enabling and disabling upnp- nothing seems to work. then when i tried to put my xbox in dmz i couldnt even connect with a message saying my mtu needs to be at least 1364 when it is actually 1474 ANY HELP WOULD BE VERY APPRECIATED